Baked Camembert with Honey Glazed
1 camembert
runny honey
2 figs
fresh stem rosemary
knob of butter
Preheat oven to 180°C.
Remove the plastic wrapping from the camembert. Hold a sharp knife under running hot water so it warms up. Slice the top layer off the camembert. Cut a grid into the camembert. Be careful not to cut through the bottom.
Cut a sheet of baking paper into a quarter big enough to place into the camembert packaging. This will prevent the camembert from leaking into the oven. Place the camembert back into its packaging.
Spread 2 tbsp of runny honey over the camembert and make sure the slits fill up. Remove the leaves off 2 rosemary springs and stick them into the slits.
Place the camembert on the middle oven rack and bake for 12-15 minutes until the camembert is melted.
Wash 2 figs, and dry them with a kitchen towel. Cut the figs into quarters or eigths depending on how big they are. Melt a knob of butter in a frying pan, add the figs, and fry them for 2 minutes until they have slightly softened. Drizzle the figs with 2 tbsp of honey and fry for another minute. Keep moving them around so they can fully absorb the honey.
Top the camembert with the figs and drizzle with more honey if desired.